What is Sudden Death, or “Armageddon” Chess?

What is sudden death in chess

In chess we’ve all heard of check, checkmate, stalemates, and draws, but what is sudden death in chess? If you haven’t heard of it, it’s actually pretty interesting. Even more interesting is its nickname, “Armageddon chess”. What is Sudden Death in Chess? Sudden death in chess, or “Armageddon chess”, starts with each player randomly assigned … Read more

Beyond Material Advantage – What is Positional Advantage in Chess?

what is positional advantage in chess

When it comes down to the strategies and principles of chess, what is positional advantage? How much of a factor is positional advantage vs material advantage? What is Positional Advantage in Chess? Positional advantage means the placement of your pieces pose a greater threat than your opponents’ pieces. Your opponent may have more pieces than … Read more

The Great Balancing Act – Offense vs Defense in Chess

offense vs defense in chess

Let’s about the intricate balancing act between offense and defense in the world of chess. Think of it as the yin and yang of strategy, where every move holds the potential to tip the balance of power across the 64-square battlefield. So is it better to focus on offense or defense in chess? Is it … Read more

The Great Castling Mystery: Who Invented Castling in Chess?

who invented castling in chess

One special move definitely stands out when it’s made on a chess board. Who invented castling in chess? How did this rule change come about? Or was it a rule from the beginning? Who Invented Castling in Chess? Castling in chess comes from “the King’s leap” rule used in Medieval chess where the king could move … Read more

Chess Warfare: Why is Controlling the Center Important in Chess?

why is controlling the center important in chess

In a game filled with complex strategy and tactics, why is controlling the center important in chess? How can controlling the center of the chess board give you a massive upper hand both offensively and defensively against your opponent? Why is Controlling the Center Important in Chess? Controlling the center is the most effective way … Read more