Why Are Backward Pawns Bad?

Why are backward pawns bad

The backward pawn is an element of the game of chess that’s critical, but often misunderstood or overlooked. Let’s dive in and show you a quick way to up your game by avoiding this Achilles’ heel. Why Are Backward Pawns Bad? Backward pawns are bad because they’re weakly defended, limit your moves, and turn into … Read more

The Pawn’s Gambit – How Important is the Pawn in Chess? 

How important is the pawn in chess

You may think a pawn is insignificant. But just how important is the pawn in chess? They’re so important, nine times out of ten they actually determine the outcome of the entire game. How Important is the Pawn in Chess?  Pawns are crucial in chess. They shape strategy, help control the center, and provide tactical … Read more

A Hidden Power: Why Was En Passant Added to Chess?

why was en passant added to chess

There’s basically two “special” moves in chess: castling and en passant. Why was en passant added to chess? If you’re a chess beginner, using en passant is critical to your game and I’m going to show you why. Why Was En Passant Added to Chess? En passant (pronounced “on-pas-on”, meaning “in passing”) was added in … Read more

Beyond Material Advantage – What is Positional Advantage in Chess?

what is positional advantage in chess

When it comes down to the strategies and principles of chess, what is positional advantage? How much of a factor is positional advantage vs material advantage? What is Positional Advantage in Chess? Positional advantage means the placement of your pieces pose a greater threat than your opponents’ pieces. Your opponent may have more pieces than … Read more