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The Pawn’s Gambit – How Important is the Pawn in Chess? 

You may think a pawn is insignificant. But just how important is the pawn in chess? They’re so important, nine times out of ten they actually determine the outcome of the entire game. How Important is the Pawn in Chess?  Pawns are crucial in chess. …

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A Hidden Power: Why Was En Passant Added to Chess?

There’s basically two “special” moves in chess: castling and en passant. Why was en passant added to chess? If you’re a chess beginner, using en passant is critical to your game and I’m going to show you why. Why Was En Passant Added to Chess? …

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The Endgame Myth: Is Rook vs Bishop Endgame a Draw?

It’s been a grueling game and it’s down to this. It’s your king and bishop versus your opponent’s king and rook. Is rook vs bishop endgame a draw? Is Rook vs Bishop Endgame a Draw? More often than not, rook vs bishop endgame ends in …

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The Unfortunate Endgame: Why is a Stalemate Not a Win?

You’re playing chess online. You’ve trapped the opponent’s king! But then, draw? Why is a stalemate not a win? I feel like this has happened to everyone at least once. Why is a Stalemate Not a Win? A stalemate is a draw and not a …

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Beyond Material Advantage – What is Positional Advantage in Chess?

When it comes down to the strategies and principles of chess, what is positional advantage? How much of a factor is positional advantage vs material advantage? What is Positional Advantage in Chess? Positional advantage means the placement of your pieces pose a greater threat than …

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A Matter of Style: Bishop or Knight? Which is Stronger?

It’s a debate that is always a popular topic in the chess forums. When it comes to bishop or knight, which is stronger? These two pieces in particular are more evenly matched than you may think. Bishop or Knight, Which is stronger? Most choose the …

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The Great Castling Mystery: Who Invented Castling in Chess?

One special move definitely stands out when it’s made on a chess board. Who invented castling in chess? Between castling and en passant, there are really only 2 special moves that can be made on a chess board. How did this rule change come about? …

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Chess Warfare: Why is Controlling the Center Important in Chess?

In a game filled with complex strategy and tactics, why is controlling the center important in chess? How can controlling the center of the chess board give you a massive upper hand both offensively and defensively against your opponent? Why is Controlling the Center Important …

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